corporate functions

Hosting a Corporate Event at a Traditional Italian Eatery

Too many people planning corporate functions are content to settle for less. Just because an event is to be all about business does not mean that it cannot be memorable and enjoyable for all who attend. In fact, going the extra mile when it comes to planning such events can be a great way of improving its chances for success.

For example, the quality of the food to be found at a function can greatly influence the experiences of the attendees. Hosting a corporate event at an Authentic Italian restaurant of the kind that so many Australians love can therefore be a great way of making it a hit with little in the way of extra work.

In fact, the traditional Italian evening meal is often a great fit for such functions. Typically, that will mean starting things off with a selection of simple appetizers, typically accompanied by wine or mixed drinks. After diners sit down at their tables, a delightful antipasto will be served, with this course being a more substantial form of appetizer.

The first main course of a traditional Italian evening meal is known as the "primo," and it is often the secondary focus of the menu. Almost invariably composed of hot food, it will often include pasta, although a soup or risotto dish are also common.

The next course, called the "secondo," is the true heart of the meal and therefore includes the heartiest foods. This will sometimes be a meat dish made up of cuts that were used to flavor the sauce included in the previous course, although entirely unrelated courses are now also common. This course is also normally completed with a small side dish of vegetables or something else meant to complement the meat and help to lighten it up.

What follows next will vary from one establishment to the next, but diners can generally expect some salad and a course based around fruit and cheese. Finally, a small, sweet dish of dessert will be served, cleansing the palates of diners. Although this might seem fairly elaborate, the fact is that the many stages of a standard Italian evening meal are often conducive to the kind of involved, in-depth conversation that corporate events typically aim at encouraging.